In September, I was released from doing six months checkups from my cardiologist. I do not need to see him for two years! I started to visit my cardiologist as a precaution, as heart troubles could be side effects of the breast cancer drug I took, Adriamycin. When I first learned that, I thought, 'Oh, great. What next?' Facing cancer and then other potential side effects as big as heart troubles was daunting. However, my cardiologist said that if I was to develop those problems, they would have arisen by now. And, instead, he lauded me on what he calls my pristine blood pressure — 109/65 — and was happy I was so active and that I had changed my diet for health reasons. I have been walking five to seven miles per day with my dog, running and I am eating a plant-based diet. At my last visit my cardiologist, on Sept. 19, 2018, my blood pressure was 117/83, so maybe the exercise is helping. The range for normal blood pressure is anything less than 120/80, according to the American Heart Association. Want to be more heart-healthy? Here are some tips:
Get at least 150 minutes of exercise per week;
Eat five to nine servings of vegetables per day;
Of those vegetables, be sure to eat ones that are richly colored — green, red and orange. They are high in potassium and minerals which lower blood pressure;
Also, unsalted pumpkin, squash and sunflower seeds help to lower blood pressure. Put them into your diet to help you nutritionally;
Eat plain rice, pasta and potatoes;
Of course, consume fruits;
Eat low-fat and low-salt cereal foods as well as low-salt convenience foods if you eat on the run;
If you eat meat, avoid fatty ones. Skinless turkey and chicken are your best bet;
Avoid fried foods, salted snacks, fast food and deli meats; and
Also, skip whole milk dairy products and choose skim or 1 percent milk instead.